Blog & News

Salt Water
June 19, 2020

Salt Water The ocean is 3% salt. ABOUT."The ocean is one of the biggest mysteries of mankind. Earth is mostly water. Three-quarters of this planet is covered by water bodies, with the biggests ones being the five oceans. Marine biologists estimate that only two-thirds of marine life have been documented and studied. There are millions more [...]

April 22, 2020

Elephantas Elephas maximus sumatranus ABOUT.The Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) is a unique subspecies of the Asian elephant only found on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The Sumatran elephant has been placed on the list of Critically Endangered species after losing half of its population in a single generation. Currently an approximate population of [...]

Humpback Whale
April 20, 2020

Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae ABOUT.The Humpback Whales of Tonga… Every year, as the cooler winter months come to the South Pacific. The waters of the island nation of Tonga play host to hundreds of Megaptera novaeangliae. The humpback whale – one of the largest creatures on the planet.The whales arrive in Tonga after a journey [...]

April 19, 2020

Orangutan Man of the Forest ABOUT.Natural habitat of the Sumatran and Bornean rain forests of orangutans is in grave danger due to excessive logging, deforestation and increased spread of palm plantations. Humans are consuming the trees, food and animals that they eat and hence has endangered the orangutan species. Pet trading is one more danger [...]